So much said if the internet is free. Aja doing for free, that's the internet world. Well, actually it cuman make excuses for Copas anyway: P Let him dianggep "not guilty". Copas may aja, provided acknowledgment of the source. And freedom on the internet, in terms cuman-Copas Copas wrote. Also something else.
Internet It-Free
Now, discussed here, is it true that the Internet was free?
If the internet is free / free, why should we pay to use the modem or in the cafe? * LOL
If the internet is free, why is there such thing as Creative Commons?
If the internet is free, why is Google DMCA? So that we can report that the parties have to copy and paste our Newsletter.
If the internet is free, why to go to porn sites have turned 18 years old? Whose name is free, everyone should be aja-dunk should.
If the internet is free, why is there such a thing DCMA?
If the internet was free, why when we open a porn site, but instead blocked the Newsletter? And why many sites are blocked, if the internet is "free"?
If the internet was free, why do many of these files on a webhosting removed on the grounds "Content Violation"? Sometimes want to download something in Rapidshare, was already removed. Want to download on 4shared is also sometimes the same :/
If the internet is free, why on every site there is always a "Terms Of Service"? free if all the rules should not exist dunk, mo free aja doing.
If the internet is free, why shut down by FBI Megaupload? Why Kim Dot prison?
If the internet is free, why do we find a link "Report" on various sites?
If the internet is free, why is there such thing as a premium account? Must pay first to use its services?
Why Facebook fined 2 billion to the person who has been imitating his skin to blogger template?
Facts on only a small sample. Proving that the internet is not no such thing as freedom. Freedom to be creative? Really be. But if the freedom to harm others?So for the nyolot as saying "not in the right patented" that believes in the free copy and paste, but if it's the right thing? Whether the owner has been given a work permit? And, what is not shy, people who have not ngijinin wrote, but he tetep dirty. Belaga even true.If it's blog posts / articles may dicopas blogger's wishes, then what good is there Google DMCA? Which helps to clean up the copaser irresponsible. Create hell try!I also used to start blogging copaser. After Dark's name Ard increasingly booming in the world of blogs, particularly blogs Anime earlier times the average ama know the name of Dark Ard, and the many who say "If you are looking for ama tutorial tricks blog where?" someone said "In the Dark Ard tuh, very complete."
You know what I felt at that time? I began to ponder. All the tricks that I can do from Copas on the blog. But why all the people praise me like that? If everyone is happy with me, but what can I be proud? Those were not my work. I cook the more famous due to the tricks of the post, whereas the people who make the tricks that actually did not kedengeran name? From there I feel guilty. And aware of myself.
From now on, I'll try to make homemade tricks of his own blog. Although simple, the important original! Not have the results of Copas. It is then I think. And proven, we can and should be proud of our work clearly. Although we are pleased with the results of Copas, but his pride what can be 100%? In hatipun can not lie to myself, if it actually belongs to someone else. So, what can be proud of?Since that time I started a lot of browsing in Google, learn CSS and JavaScript. And create their own tricks to capitalize only the specific basic JavaScript beginners. Teryata to make a cool trick that should not clever JavaScript. You know Anti Right Click The Picture? That I make it just by using basic JavaScript for beginners. Code may be its basic code, but its ideas and its utilization. After school with modest pocket money, I wore to the cafe to learn JavaScript. Seberusaha may I make originalku, I do not want to imitate others. Although ultimately I do not ever have money in your pocket and always walking back and forth to school 4 Km away.I'm just the first copaser, and has not been diteriakin plagiarism by a person, directly conscious of yourself to make originalku work, and this blog the results. Period is a hobby you get stereotyped and are not even aware of his plagiarism-conscious? Or shame you've broken veins times huh? 've Caught one still wrote ngeles.And there's no reason not to freely copy and paste. Copas tetep include the source and ask permission to the owner. Moreover, the deliberately modified to make it look different. And do not feel guilty. What's the difference with stealing motor, then the modif, whether color and license plate changed to make it look different, and proudly said, "It's my bike!" 
Still think that the internet is free?
:n: <-- Ninja Plagiat
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