Assalamu'alaikum sobat blogger..
Syarat Dan Ketentuan Agar Diterima Digoogle Adsense -
I have repeatedly tried to sign up for Google Adsense. but I always refused. Indeed, my blog is still ugly and still long corn (recently orbited hehehe). But I will never give up on trying to sign up Google Adsense account. As the saying goes, if there is a will there is a way. So, we must keep the spirit to achieve something.
Often I envy when seeing friends bloggers who already have ads adesense.
Then always comes to mind is, when will I be able to have adsense account? (Hehe lebay). I also signed up a PPC account other than adsense, but I always felt "cheated". Because despite obviously I clicked ads, but my total earnings remains 0 dollars. Really disappointing is not it??
So from now on I was determined to fix my blog to be accepted by Google Adsense. I also read and read on this blog about how to be a friend received adsense, and then I concluded there are several requirements that we quickly accepted Google Adsense.
Well this time I will be attempting to share with my friends all about some of the requirements to be accepted by Google Adsense. Here it is:
1.Harus Punya Akun Gmail
Google Adsense only accept email addresses gmail, yahoo and others are not (only gmail). This means that before registering Adsense friends, friends have to make gmail first.
2.Tampilan Blog Harus Menarik
Let us together mempercabtik blog. But do not be too onerous loading page blog ya. Dispose widgets unnecessary and burdensome hnya loading page. Make your blog look as modern as possible. Change also default Blogger template with the template download.
3.Traffic Harus Tinggi
Strive to improve your blog Trafic blogwalking way and of course with interesting articles of his own works. Put also a widget that shows your blog treffic Flagcounter example, Histats, and Alexa.
4.Postingan Bukan Copy Paste
It is most important to me sob. We have to write their own stuff and not steal other people post. It also is the key to successful blogs such as Covert always updating his blog with the post-post-quality and the work itself.
5.Kalau bisa postingan berbahasa Inggris
I also recommend this requirement, but if not that's okay too because now Google Adsense is supporting the Indonesian language.
6.Teruslah Menulis Posting Tentang Google Adsense
If we write about adsense. then adsnse assume that we advertise them, the sooner we will be accepted by them. Now ane also trying to reproduce a post about adsense loh!! Hhehe
Oke Saya rasa sudah menjelaskan dengan lengkap,mudah dipahami :D kalian harus ikutin syarat/ketentuan diatas maupun dari Google Adsense Kita tidak mudah untuk diterima oleh Google Adsense.Makanya Bacalah Syarat/Ketentuan Google Adsense...
Sumber :
gua cuma , gx bisa bahasa inggris bang ..
BalasHapusbisa di Google Translate (Terjemahan)
Hapusgoogle adsense tuh apa kak?
BalasHapusmasa sich ? mau tau Google Adsense itu apa?
HapusCek >>
thank's lh udh di sertain sumber ^_^
BalasHapusya sob !!