Hehe.. Kini,,,
Zackmaru bisa encrypt HTML kamu secara ONLINE!!
Jadi, biar orang iseng gag bisa nyolong kode kamu.. xixixixixi
Nah, simple aja, masukin kode HTML kamu di Form yang tersedia, trus klik Encrypt!
Jadi deh, tinggal kopi kodenya, n Tara!!!! Aman sudah...
"; theform.ecode.value=codetocopy; theform.sac.disabled = false; } return false; } function sandc(thisform) { thisform.ecode.focus(); thisform.ecode.select(); copytext=thisform.ecode.createTextRange(); copytext.execCommand("Copy"); alert("Copied the Encrypted HTML Code to clipboard, you may now paste this into your website"); } function encrypt(tx) { var hex=''; var i; for (i=0; i
65535) { return ("err!") } first = Math.round(num/4096 - .5); temp1 = num - first * 4096; second = Math.round(temp1/256 -.5); temp2 = temp1 - second * 256; third = Math.round(temp2/16 - .5); fourth = temp2 - third * 16; return (""+getletter(third)+getletter(fourth)); } function getletter(num) { if (num < 10) { return num; } else { if (num == 10) { return "A" } if (num == 11) { return "B" } if (num == 12) { return "C" } if (num == 13) { return "D" } if (num == 14) { return "E" } if (num == 15) { return "F" } } }
Masukin HTML kamu dulu, trus Klik Encrypt!
Asli Zackmaru Bukan Bajakan !!
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